Saturday, September 21, 2013

Homeopathic, Herbal, and Nutritional Pain Relief

Fast, Safe and Effective Pain Relief

Homeopathic, Herbal, and Nutritional Pain Relief.

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*Burns And More
Experience the Life Changing Results of Over 12 Natural and Healing Ingredients.
  Reduces Inflammation.     Revitalize Tissue.  
   Increases Blood Flow.     Promotes Healing.

More Than Pain Relief, It's Pain Management  
Use Promo Code 1258

Friday, September 6, 2013

Zapped With Zucchini

This time of year everyone who planted Zucchini in their garden should have plenty of the squash.  
Zucchini is one of the most prolific plants in the gardening world. 
Zucchini healthy and tasty.
Low in calories and high in folic acid (vitamin B9, vitamin B6). Potassium and vitamin A, C, and dietary fiber.    A 1/2 cup of zucchini also has 19% of the recommended amount of manganese. Rated 5 stars for weight loss and optimum health. The glycemic load is low and it’s considered slightly inflammatory.
I just had a great soup a friend made. Vegetables and the squash with some country sausage which was really good. The spices he used are his secret. We enjoyed his soup out at the campfire in the back yard.
The best way to cut back on your yield is to enjoy the flowers. The health benefits of the flower are the same as the squash.  There are plenty of recipes for them and they store well in the freezer.  
I have been enjoying Sweet Potato Fries and just came across a Zucchini Fries recipe. They are baked in the oven with your favorite spices. I use honey mustard for a dip.
If you didn't grow some squash the years check with your friends. I bet they will be glad to share some with you. I would guess if it’s in their garden they have already given you some.
Be sure to tuck some away in the freezer, the flowers too. Zucchini Bread is one of my favorites.  We always give it out at Christmas.  

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

NSAIDS and Sports

The Ultimate Store for the Ultimate Fan!

Although this is an extreme case of sports training, The Triathlon, a question was asked about the use of Ibuprofen and sport's related injuries in the Usenet Newsgroup.  A Medical reply was given by Rice University

The warnings of short term use can be found on the jar of course.  The lowest dose necessary to achieve results is recommended with Ibuprofen or any oral pain medication.  A consultation with a Physician may be advised.

No matter what sport interests you have or how serious we are about it sport's related injuries, muscle or joint pain will appear when we overdo it.  It could just be called “having too much fun.”
Rest is one of your most important allies when you over do it.  
Because of the effect on the kidneys Ibuprofen can have a diabetes effect on your body. You also may increase the chances of dehydration (especially in hot weather).
The “less” we use a NASID the lower the risk of damage to our organs.  The more we use them the higher our tolerance become making higher doses necessary for the same effect. This is true for every NSAID and all oral pain medications for that matter.
Taking these pain maskers when you have an injury and continuing to participate in an activity makes the possibility of hurting yourself worse a huge possibility. The perception of pain is blocked from reaching the brain.
Have fun.  Play safe and take car of your sport's related injuries.  Remember to Drink Water and keep hydrated.

Related Article: Dec. 2011 BBC News:
Ibuprofen at 50: The love affair with painkillers.


Friday, August 30, 2013

Enjoying Nuts and Seeds

Indulging in a handful of nuts several times a week is all takes to reap their benefits. 

 I toss seeds in most everything from salads to soups and even cookies.
The definition of a nut is it actually is a fruit.  A fruit with a hard shell and dried.
Pistachios have to be my favorite with Cashews a close second.
Nuts are cholesterol free and loaded with Omega-3s. Their glycemic load is very low so they make a great snack for people who need to watch their blood sugar.
Almonds and Walnuts have been found to help control cholesterol. I learned a trick to get the most from walnuts, soak them in water for a few minutes before eating them. This makes the Omega 3s more available. Flax seed is a strong anti-inflammatory. I really enjoy the flax seed bread.  
People, who consume nuts, and seeds, tend to weigh less.
Nuts are good sources of vitamins E and B2, protein, folate, fiber, and much needed minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and selenium.
Seeds fall into the same healthy category.
One type of seed is found to help against hair loss. Another has been found to work as well as Viagra. Just ask and I’ll tell you what they are. If you already know, share the info with us.
If you’re not taking advantage of the health benefits of nuts and seed you should start. Add them to anything and everything.  Put a hand full in your smoothie. Incorporate them when you’re juicing and enjoying salads and cereal. Crackem and Eatem!
Related Reading:

Flaxseed - Whole 4 oz whole
Flaxseed - Whole 4 oz whole
Whole Flaxseed by Botanic Choice contains omega 3, 6, and 9 fatty acids that support general well being.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Start The Day With Water

So many of us neglect our daily water intake.  

No matter if your day starts morning, afternoon or night one of our priorities should be hydration.  Besides the coffee or tea, whatever your wakeup beverage of choice is, at least one glass of water should be in your getting started routine. Keep water in mind for the rest of the day and every time you have a chance, grab that drink.
I know that it’s tough keeping water on your mind. I was that way for years. When I was younger soda was what I went for. As time went by iced tea became my choice. One day I made a conscious choice to do the hydration thing. Surprisingly this made a difference in the way I felt.   I stopped having that afternoon crash.  
Our bodies are made up about 75% water depending on if you’re male or female. Walking around dehydrated is not healthy and many of us don’t even realize how dehydrated we are.
Beverages loaded with sugar, diet drinks, coffee and tea can contribute to dehydration. Typically these are the choices we make throughout the day.
Take the water challenge. Grab a drink ever chance you get. Take a jug with you. Stop at the drinking fountain or cooler every time you encounter one.  Come back and let us know the difference in how you felt that day.
Typically we need around a gallon a day. This can be different with each person depending on the activities we are engaged in and our health.

I am a little leery of the bottled water. You never know how long those bottles have baked in a 100 degree truck and what chemicals have leached out of the plastic.

·         Invigorate Your Morning

Monday, August 26, 2013

The Cinnamon Curl

Cinnamon is a healthy spice besides being tasty.
Known to increase our energy and vitality levels, high in antioxidants and can improve circulation.
Real or true cinnamon (Cinnamomum Verum) can also help stabilize blood sugar levels. Cinnamon is a great source of manganese, dietary fiber, iron, and calcium. 

Especially in the American kitchen we find Chinese Cinnamon (Cinnamon Cassia). The spice companies use it because it’s cheaper. Basically the same flavor and aroma but the chemical make-up is different. Cinnamomum Verum is the choice for better health.
Combined with honey, as a medicine, the list of health benefits is impressive.  

I love the aroma. When my essential oil runs out a dash of the powder while boiling some water sure make the house smell fantastic especially in winter when the air is so dry indoors.

Used in aroma therapy it has been found to be uplifting.  The sweet spicy smell can lower irritability, wake you up, and help with the pain of a headache. 
The spice has also been used as a liniment. 

Gum, candy, breath mints, and baked goods all make use of the aroma and flavor.  I do recall toothpicks, as a kid that we would buy at the 5 and dime. They were hot and a fun trick to play on friends. 

Look for the true cinnamon when you shop. Check for some fresh ideas on ways to use it. (I have seen people that love adding some to their beef stew)

Buy the sticks toss them in the blender and you good to go.

True Cinnamon should be a part of your culinary experience 
Cinnamon Essential Oil 1/2 oz
Cinnamon Essential Oil 1/2 oz
Ingestible Cinnamon Essential Oil by Botanic Choice helps maintain health blood sugar levels and supports respiration.

Cinnamon 1000 mg 30 capsules
Cinnamon 1000 mg 30 capsules
Cinnamon Capsules 1000 mg. by Botanic Choice help maintain blood sugar levels within the normal range and helps lessen gas.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Mosquitos Don't Bother Me

Mosquitos are the most troublesome at dusk and dawn but I believe it depends on your location. I find the pesky little bug seems to be unaware of that rule. They hang around close to the grass in my backyard and seem to have a taste for my ankles.

The DEET products are not a choice I make. Avon has a product the works at times. It's a skin softener and the Avon Lady will tell you it's not made for that purpose and doesn't, and can't, recommend it for that purpose.  (at least mine does)

Finish off the summer without mosquito bites with a natural alternative. A Natural Herbal Remedy 

I know I shouldn't have enjoyed this but I did get a laugh until I shared my secret. The mosquitos would be attacking my friends and leaving me alone. My explanation was mind over matter. I was using the power of the mind. 
Have you ever watched someone trying to think mosquitos away? Well I thought it was funny.  

BugsBgone 2 oz
BugsBgone 2 oz
BugsBgone by Botanic Choice contains nepetalactone which is a natural mosquito repellent which tests have shown to be more effective than DEET.