Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Start The Day With Water

So many of us neglect our daily water intake.  

No matter if your day starts morning, afternoon or night one of our priorities should be hydration.  Besides the coffee or tea, whatever your wakeup beverage of choice is, at least one glass of water should be in your getting started routine. Keep water in mind for the rest of the day and every time you have a chance, grab that drink.
I know that it’s tough keeping water on your mind. I was that way for years. When I was younger soda was what I went for. As time went by iced tea became my choice. One day I made a conscious choice to do the hydration thing. Surprisingly this made a difference in the way I felt.   I stopped having that afternoon crash.  
Our bodies are made up about 75% water depending on if you’re male or female. Walking around dehydrated is not healthy and many of us don’t even realize how dehydrated we are.
Beverages loaded with sugar, diet drinks, coffee and tea can contribute to dehydration. Typically these are the choices we make throughout the day.
Take the water challenge. Grab a drink ever chance you get. Take a jug with you. Stop at the drinking fountain or cooler every time you encounter one.  Come back and let us know the difference in how you felt that day.
Typically we need around a gallon a day. This can be different with each person depending on the activities we are engaged in and our health.

I am a little leery of the bottled water. You never know how long those bottles have baked in a 100 degree truck and what chemicals have leached out of the plastic.

·         Invigorate Your Morning

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